a collective of art, stories + design
Peak One Art Studio takes its name from the Peak 1 trail in the Ten Mile Range in Summit County, Colorado. It is the artist's favorite Colorado hike, for many reasons. It is a place where life's trials and joys collide every time she sets foot on the trail. Much like tree blazes on hiking trails that mark the way to go, Summit County's Lake Dillon and its surrounding mountain ranges have been that blaze for her. It is in that small pocket of earth where she has been led to embrace the throes of life, and where God has revealed Himself most beautifully and clearly, since her memorable visit in the winter of 2004.
Peak 1 symbolizes the triumph of overcoming, the celebration of beauty, and the willingness to embrace the journey.
Originally from Chattanooga, Tennessee in the Appalachian Mountain region, Dana has always known the mountains to be a place of fun exploration, solace, and peace. Since moving west in 2016, the Rockies have won her heart and Denver has become home. As a self-taught wood burning artist who dabbles in an array of other mediums too, Dana enjoys gleaning creative inspiration from the beauty of the surrounding peaks; studying the intricate details of creation while on fishing excursions with her husband; and taking her German Shorthaired Pointer pup, Wendell, up to the mountains so he can point at all the squirrels that live beyond his backyard.